söndag 12 december 2010

Home Sweet Home

Here we are! Finally a place to call our own...

A touching moment. Virr Katt is bidding them farewell and wishing them good luck...

If you want to visit them they can be found at the public library in Visby...

måndag 6 december 2010

The Spirit Of Christmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas
we yarnbombed us a tree...

Three sugar canes...

Five santa caps...

One Christmas cracker...

And one Christmas tree...

So Slitely Crooked becomes tools in the hands of the Christmas Spirit,
God Bless Ye All...

söndag 5 december 2010

Mittens For Lovers

When Yarnbombing in our cold weather Virr Katt invented this lovely mitten... :)

One for all and all for one...

Now we never leave home without them...

måndag 29 november 2010

Sweet tooth

Aaah, when there is no café in sight, make one.
There´s nothing better than to relax in your home with a nice, chilled coke and a hoover cake (translation courtesy of google translation).

fredag 26 november 2010

Virr Katt & Crocheodile have been at it again & here's the offspring...

As you can se they're tagged 'n ready to go. We are currently looking for a place where they can live happily ever after...

Aren't they cute?

A little game for you. Who made what & who made who?

söndag 14 november 2010

Daytime At The Library...

Curious to see what it looked like in daylight we returned to the scene of the crime.

But darling, it's so long...


Nice :)

Now you can snake your way into the public library...

As we were taking these pic's someone came along and asked if we knew who'd done this? Virr Katt was standing there with a clear plastic bag full of yarn saying: I dunno...

lördag 13 november 2010

A Night At The Library

Finally we've completed another mission.

Here we're getting started and sorting things out.

We love libraries and our local library is getting special attention here...

A historical moment! For the first time Virr Katt puts a tag on something we've done :)

The cutest part of this mission was made by Virr Katt, a cosy for the doorhandle!

måndag 1 november 2010

Preparing our new yarnbombing!

We are preparing our next yarnbombing. It's gonna be a bit bigger than what we've done so far...

Crocheodile & Virr Katt have been busy with other projects for a while but it's good to be back. We will publish pictures as soon as we've yarnbombed downtown Slite. :)

Yarnbombed bike

Saw this awesome bike in Visby this morning and totally loved it!

söndag 24 oktober 2010

Our humble beginnings. All improvised and done on the spot - a very cold and windy day on the beach in Slite, Gotland. It was so cold that it took hours for our hands and fingers to come to again.

fredag 22 oktober 2010

What we're about.

The Slitely Crooked Manifesto

First of all we want to have FUN! Then comes the exitement when you come up with an idea and the thrill of sneaking out at night to yarnbomb something.

One of our main objectives is to make our immediate surroundings brighter and bring something of the trickster into the world. We want people to see and hopefully smile at what we do without damaging anyones property.

Since we suspect that some of our bombings will be removed, documentation is essential and part of the fun. It's the documentation part that this blog is all about and we'll keep adding stuff to this page as we go along.

We are located in Sweden, but since we have friends outside of Sweden we've decided to write in English.

If you in some way feel inspired to go out and yarnbomb in your neighborhood we have succeded!